I am not who you think I am; I am not who I think I am; I am who I think you think I am. Charls Horton cooley What is it about thoughts, feelings, and emotions that make us in constant war within ourselves? Even if you want to make sense out of them you need to use one of them, and that, and that by itself creates more confusion tnan ever before you start to decipher the complex web of the inner SELF. How can you make sense out of something that doesn't make sense? Even more, how do you make sense? Well, the way I see it is, if for some strange reason (only you can comprehend), anything you perceive does makes sense to you it doesn't necessarily have tome sense to anyone else . The relationship between thoughts, emotions, and feelings is complex and interconnected, with each influencing the others in various ways. Here’s a brief overview of how they interact and which might control which: 1. **Thoughts**: These are the cognitive processes that involve reasoning, ...
everything, without exception.
To put it in perspective, every quote in the above collage is somehow indirectly completing the next one in a meaningful way, without being from the same thought process, it gives it the illusion of one.
Keeping this idea in mind, one can imagine a variety of scenarios where the relativity factor always plays the main character in the scheme of things.
Furthermore, the idea of “everything is related to everything else” can seem a bit confusing for the untrained eyes, because of the its novelty, but with switching between focus and unfocus states it will begin to reveal its powerful significance.
There is no limit of one’s understanding, because the idea itself is limitless.
Simply said, that what you see it’s not what it is, it is just an illusion of the imagination witch is a fabrication of the subconscious.
All that apart, from everything relate to everything else, the understanding of it is all rooted in one’s perception of the outer self.
There’s no magic, just self realization from inner point of view.