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Showing posts from November, 2017

Thoughts, Emotions, and Feelings. who controls who

Thoughts, Emotions, and Feelings. who controls who?

I am not who you think I am; I am not who I think I am; I am who I think you think I am.  Charls Horton cooley What is it about thoughts, feelings, and emotions that make us in constant  war within ourselves? Even if  you want to make sense out of them you need to use one of them, and that, and that by itself creates more confusion tnan ever before you start to decipher the complex web of the inner SELF. How can you make sense out of something that doesn't make sense? Even more, how do you make sense? Well, the way I see it is, if for some strange reason (only you can comprehend), anything you perceive does  makes sense to you it doesn't necessarily have tome sense to anyone else . The relationship between thoughts, emotions, and feelings is complex and interconnected, with each influencing the others in various ways. Here’s a brief overview of how they interact and which might control which: 1. **Thoughts**: These are the cognitive processes that involve reasoning, ...

H.D.THOREAU Walden Pond: Chapter XVII: Spring

Chapter XVII: Spring The opening of large tracts by the ice-cutters commonly causes a pond to break up earlier; for the water, agitated by the wind, even in cold weather, wears away the surrounding ice. But such was not the effect on Walden that year, for she had soon got a thick new garment to take the place of the old. This pond never breaks up so soon as

THOREAU'S POND : Chapter XVI: The Pond in Winter

  Chapter XVI: The Pond in Winter After a still winter night I awoke with the impression that some question had been put to me, which I had been endeavoring in vain to answer in my sleep, as what -- how -- when -- where? But there was dawning Nature, in whom all creatures live, looking in at my broad windows with serene and satisfied face, and no question on her lips. I awoke to an answered question, to Nature and daylight. The snow lying deep on the earth dotted with young pines, and the very slope of the hill on which my house is placed, seemed to say, Forward! Nature puts no question and answers none which we mortals ask. She has long ago taken her resolution. "O Prince, our eyes contemplate with admiration and transmit to the soul the wonderful and varied spectacle of this universe. The night veils without doubt a part of this glorious creation; but day comes to reveal to us this great work, which

THOREAU's WALDEN: Chapter XV: Winter Animals

  Chapter XV: Winter Animals When the ponds were firmly frozen, they afforded not only new and shorter routes to many points, but new views from their surfaces of the familiar landscape around them. When I crossed Flint's Pond, after it was covered with snow, though I had often paddled about and skated over it, it was so unexpectedly wide and so strange that I could think of nothing but Baffin's Bay. The Lincoln hills rose up around me at the extremity of a snowy plain, in which I did not remember to have stood before; and the fishermen, at an indeterminable distance over the ice, moving slowly about with their wolfish dogs, passed for sealers, or Esquimaux, or in misty weather loomed like fabulous creatures, and I did not know whether they were giants or pygmies. I took this course when I went to lecture in Lincoln in the evening, travelling in no road and passing no house between my own hut and the lecture room. In Goose Pond, which lay in my way, a col...

Henry David Thoreau Walden Pond: Chapter XIV: Former Inhabitants and Winter Visitors

  Chapter XIV: Former Inhabitants and Winter Visitors I weathered some merry snow-storms, and spent some cheerful winter evenings by my fireside, while the snow whirled wildly without, and even the hooting of the owl was hushed. For many weeks I met no one in my walks but those who came occasionally to cut wood and sled it to the village. The elements, however, abetted me in making a path through the deepest snow in the woods, for when I had once gone through the wind blew the oak leaves into my tracks, where they lodged, and by absorbing the rays of the sun melted the snow, and so not only made a my bed for my feet, but in the night their dark line was my guide. For human society I was obliged to conjure up the former occupants of these woods. Within the memory of many of my townsmen the road near which my house stands resounded with the laugh and gossip of inhabitants, and the woods which border it were notched and dotted here and there with their little ga...

H.D.THOREAU: Chapter XIII: House-Warming

Chapter XIII: House-Warming In October I went a-graping to the river meadows, and loaded myself with clusters more precious for their beauty and fragrance than for food. There, too, I admired, though I did not gather, the cranberries, small waxen gems, pendants of the meadow grass, pearly and red, which the farmer plucks with an ugly rake, leaving the smooth meadow in a snarl, heedlessly measuring them by the bushel and the dollar only, and sells the spoils of the meads to Boston and New York; destined to be jammed, to satisfy the tastes of lovers of